For the 15th edition of “Ask The Denturist”, Natural Dentures & Implant Center Ask the Denturist in Eugene Oregon 15we discuss a type of denture that keeps your smile looking great after tooth extraction and prepares your mouth for long term dentures.

Q. What are Immediate Dentures?

A. Also called temporaries or transitionals, these dentures are placed immediately after all teeth are extracted. Not only do the Immediate Dentures help in healing the gums, but also allow you to have a set of teeth while your mouth adjusts and heals and your muscles are “trained” for wearing a denture. As the mouth heals and swelling subsides, temporary liners are used to ensure a proper fit. Once your Immediate Dentures are in place, we will begin to craft your permanent dentures, which will last for years.

For more information regarding tooth extraction, Immediate Dentures and permanent dentures, please contact us to schedule a free consultation.

CALL (866) 551-3509 to schedule an appointment